Power and Lighting - Indoor and Outdoor
We can help you with all your power and lighting needs for both home and business. Whether indoor or outside, installation or repairs.
Downlights and power points

Lights and light fittings

Security lighting and cameras

Sensor and dimmer lights

Ceiling and Exhaust Fans

Factory and Office lighting

Car Park lighting

Emergency and Exit lighting
Security lighting and cameras
Power and Lighting - Indoor and Outdoor
Electrical Wiring and Repairs

We can look after all your electrical wiring and repairs needs:

Complete electrical wiring of new buildings or      extensions

Fault finding in existing electrical wiring

Repair or replacement of faulty electrical wiring
Complete electrical wiring of new buildings or extensions

Safety Switches, Smoke Detectors

We can install, service or repair your safety switches and smoke detectors.

Safety switches are designed to prevent you from electric shock and save lives.

Smoke alarms are life-saving devices, they detect smoke well before any sleeping person would.

Installing a safety switches and smoke detectors in your home or business saves lives!

Have them installed today!

Safety Switches Smoke Detectors
Hot Water Heaters and 3 in 1 Heater Fans
We also supply and install:
Hot Water Heaters

3 in 1 Heater Fans
3 in 1 Heater Fans
Hot Water Heaters
WARNING: Electrical work is not a do-it-yourself job! It is                 dangerous and illegal, call a qualified electrician.

"Service is our specialty"

Call us today: 0414 465 177